

The RINO Foundation, a faith-based nonprofit organization, the official missions arm of RINO Global Solutions. The RINO Foundation empowers sustainability and significance in marginalized communities worldwide through successful projects accomplished by volunteers and partners.

How does the RINO Foundation function on a practical basis? We invest in community improvement projects, micro grants, water and sustainable agriculture projects, housing, healthcare etc. Such as, water well repairs in Africa, mobile medical clinic in Haiti, housing construction projects in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, education grants or school supplies in the DR, to mention just a few initiatives.

How does the RINO Foundation live out its mission? We provide children and communities access to better education, the gift of play by building playgrounds, building schools, teacher training, scholarship grants for secondary school and college/trade school, building churches, ministry leadership development, restoring human dignity by providing pathways to citizenship and certified identity, etc.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability is an investment of knowledge and capital into an individual, family, or community that transitions them from survival and dependency to economic security and independence.

    How does RINO Foundation live out this aspect of its mission?

    The Foundation completes community improvement projects, provides micro grants, implements water and sustainable agriculture projects, brings housing and healthcare to individuals and families, and much more. Some past initiatives include:

    • Repairing of water wells in Africa

    • Providing mobile medical clinics

    • Building houses in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua

    • Providing education grants and school supplies in the Dominican Republic

    • Constructing a fire station in Fond Persian, Haiti

    • Established Leadership Training Centers in French speaking countries

  • Significance

    Significance is when an individual discovers their worth and dignity, and rises to fulfill their purpose in life. Once the individual is able to pursue this calling, he or she is able to contribute to the world being a better place. It is the mark they leave on the world that is long remembered after they are gone.

    How does RINO Foundation live out this aspect of its mission?

    The Foundation gives children and communities the gift of education and play, builds schools and playgrounds, trains teachers, provides scholarship grants for secondary school and college or trade school, builds churches, and develops leaders. Through these initiatives, the Foundation restores human dignity by providing pathways to citizenship and a certified identity.​

  • Servolution

    Servolution is a global movement and community founded by Dino Rizzo committed to serving others through simple acts of kindness. Saying yes to opportunities to do good, love people, meeting needs and sharing Christ-kindness.

    How does RINO Foundation live out this aspect of its mission?

    The Foundation activity invites volunteers from across the globe who have a desire to serve others and make a difference in under-resourced communities. Whether it’s traveling to the Carribian, Central America, or Southeast Asia, our Servolution Teams are deployed to build homes, install playgrounds, distribute food or responded to natural disasters.

Get Involved



We provide high-quality global mission opportunities for individuals and groups to engage local communities with the love of Jesus. We also create ‘one-of-a-kind’ customized experiences to meet your church or organization’s mission objectives.


The RINO Foundation empowers Sustainability and Significance in marginalized communities around the world.


If you are financially able to give towards our mission, we greatly appreciate it. All donations will go towards empowering sustainability and significance around the world.